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Your pragmatic representative for Lake County

My wife and I chose to raise our family here because Lake County offers everyone a chance to succeed. As your Lake County Board Member, I have worked to ensure that we uphold the values of our community: protecting our environment, supporting small businesses, and keeping our property taxes from rising.

Our community has counted on me as their Lake County Board Member for the past two years as a principled leader and your advocate for a fair, productive, and accountable local government.

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  • Paras worked with our local, state, and federal governments to make historic investments in our community and address the backlogged infrastructure projects throughout the county.

  • Paras also fought for greater investments in stormwater management projects in response to the persistent and unprecedented flooding in our district. He worked with state and federal legislators to secure over $100 million in funding for Storm Water Management  to support needed projects in Highland Park and Lake Forest.

Fiscal Responsibility

A primary role of the County Board is to make sure our tax dollars are used efficiently and effectively and this starts by keeping our property taxes from rising. This past year, Paras held firm to ensure, once again, property taxes didn’t rise (and in some cases reduced) for the majority of residents. This does not even account for the high inflation rates experienced in 2021 and 2022.


Paras also pushed for the Lake County Forest Preserve District to refinanced bonds that saved taxpayers over $11 million dollars.


Our District

District 12 consists of all of Deerfield and Bannouckburn, west Highland Park, and west Lake Forest. A map of our district is below and you can check your district on Lake County's Voter Power website by clicking here.

Our District

Get Involved

Our campaign is people-powered, because your representatives on the County Board should be accountable to you. Chip in whatever you can to help us power our grassroots campaign.

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